onsdag 5. august 2009


Opp gjennom tiden har det blitt en del flauser der man sier noe som ikke ble helt rett. Her er et par fra kjentfolk:

*På nyleid hytte. Mamma:" De har jo fuglepisker her også jo!". Jeg: "Ehm, fuglepisker?". M: Ja, oppå der" peker på veggen. J: "Du mener fluesmekker?"
*Mandy looking disgusted at her bread roll: what is this black thing? Me: Probably some stuff left from the oven. Mandy: Why has it been in the oven?..... Me: ehm, you don't want to eat dough though do you?
*Maddie: Wow, you have brainflakes...? Is that why you are so smart? Me: You mean branflakes.....?
*Mandy handing a ten pound note to the cashier (thinking it was her card): "can I have a ten pound cashback as well?
*Mandy: "I'm eating the ice" In response to a barlady asking if she had finished her baileys so she could take the glass away.

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